What do you want from your investments?
The goal of investing is to replace your work income with passive income from your investments once you retire. What is the purpose of your investments? Is it to retire early or to have a dream holiday? Maybe it is to start saving for your children’s education.
Once you have identified what your future needs are, you can structure your assets to achieve this in calculated way that takes into account your investment timeframe, your comfort with different types of investments, and your current life stage.
Some of the investment options available to you fall into the following broad asset classes:
Managed funds
Within these broad categories there are more options available to you. Reaching your ultimate goals will depend on the amount you have to invest, how long you are willing to invest, and risks you are willing to take.
Case Study
John (52) and Sue (50) are still both working and wish to retire in the next 10 years. They want to maximise their returns but don’t want to take undue risks with their existing investments and ongoing superannuation contributions.
Tasmanian Retirement Centre were able to put together a portfolio that John and Sue felt comfortable with including equities, term deposits, property and cash. This was obtained by using a ‘three-bucket’ approach that ensures that there is available cash when needed.
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Launceston 7250, Tasmania
03 6334 5547
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