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Here you’ll find resources about retirement, superannuation, investments and all of the latest announcements relating to your money and finances. At Financial Streams, personal financial planning is our thing, but we also love to provide practical resources and information for all.
Q&A with Andrew
We answer common questions and discuss the latest issues affecting your personal finances.
Should you prioritise paying off your mortgage or put the extra funds into super? Andrew and Michael chat about this topical question and provide professional provide insights!
Salary sacrifice is a great long-term strategy for flow-on financial impact. It can help fund insurances, contribution splits to your spouse, effectively moves money from a high-tax to a low-tax environment and sets you up for retirement.
Andrew and Michael unpack superannuation fundamentals to get your super on the right track.
What is wealth creation and how do we make the best of the income we have, whilst ensuring we reduce our expenses?
Andrew discusses stock market trends over the last 20 years and the state of the market right now.
Andrew and Michael go back to basics and explain all things Shares and Stock Markets and the impact of those during COVID-19.
Catch up on the latest in the financial planning industry and learn more about the updates that could benefit you.
Retirement is often that far off existence and dream that we refer to… “when I retire I’ll do this…” But are we actually preparing ourselves financially for our post-work life? Here are five building blocks we would consider in structuring a successful retirement plan.
Capital city rents have jumped up by 11.7%. What is causing this? Put simply, it is the economic principle of demand for housing outweighing the supply.
The smartphone has never been more sophisticated - with thousands of apps available at our fingertips to make our lives more efficient. Here’s a wrap up of some of our top smartphone apps to support your overall wellbeing!
It’s that time of year! We share some key considerations you should make this end of financial year to maximise your return and personal financial position.
New legislation changes the way superannuation can be utilised throughout your ‘golden years’ into retirement.
Andrew Ledingham has been a financial adviser for over 15 years. He’s seen the highs and lows of others financial journeys as well as his own. We asked Andrew what advice he would give his younger self, knowing what he does now and here’s what he had to say!
Those working in professional services can often feel a level of burnout, especially when their role involves building and maintaining on-going client relationships. Maybe you’re an estate agent, accountant or business consultant? Here are some tips on avoiding burnout at work.
Should you prioritise paying off your mortgage or put the extra funds into super? Andrew and Michael chat about this topical question and provide professional provide insights!
September is Suicide Prevention Month, raising some important discussions on mental health and encouraging vulnerable conversations during challenging times. Managing your financial stress is an important element of positive mental health.
Salary sacrifice is a great long-term strategy for flow-on financial impact. It can help fund insurances, contribution splits to your spouse, effectively moves money from a high-tax to a low-tax environment and sets you up for retirement.
Have you got a case of the ‘could-have-been’ holiday blues? As financial advisors we thought we’d share a few tips on planning a holiday during COVID times to protect your bank account (and cushion the fall of disappointment!)
Andrew and Michael unpack superannuation fundamentals to get your super on the right track.
Superannuation is a pre-tax amount of money that your employer pays into a super fund for you. The superannuation fund then invests this money on your behalf with the intention to grow your investment in the future. Essentially, super is savings for your retirement and an important part of your financial plan for the future.
What does the Australian Open Women’s Final have to do with financial planning? Find out in our latest blog about adapting to change.
Exhausted from all that’s happening? This is our last blog post for 2020. We really hope you’ve enjoyed what we’ve provided to you throughout this year. Where should we start with our financial decisions after a year like 2020?
Given the events of 2020, no one really knows what the lasting economic impact of the Coronavirus will be, however the new world will not be like the old world. We will need rethink our approach when it comes to our finances and investments.
The earlier you can sort out super, the better. If you set yourself up with a healthy account now, your future superannuation balance is looking a lot brighter.
What is wealth creation and how do we make the best of the income we have, whilst ensuring we reduce our expenses?
Before you get life insurance, talk through these 6 questions with your financial adviser. That way you'll have a clear picture of what you're buying and what kind of cover you can expect…
This year’s tax return might look a little different… Working from home, Job Keeper, Job Seeker etc. What can and can’t you be claiming? Read the following 6 steps to ensure you’ve covered all areas of your taxable income before hitting that send button.
As the financial year ends, there is a super splitting strategy that happy couples can consider. Superannuation members could use something known as ‘contribution splitting.’ Contribution splitting is where one member of a couple transfers some of their benefits into their spouse’s super account.
Andrew discusses stock market trends over the last 20 years and the state of the market right now.
There are just a few more sleeps before the end of the financial year. So, while there’s not a lot of time, there is some time. Here is our to-do list of essential items to tick off before June 30. Many of these things have bits that need to be ticked off.
In recent weeks we have discussed various Commonwealth responses to the Coronavirus. One response that has received relatively little ‘airtime’ is the announcement that people drawing account-based pensions from their super fund can reduce the amount they must withdraw in this and the coming financial year.
It has been a while since we spoke about property – there have perhaps been other more pressing things to discuss. But property is still very much worth thinking about.
Andrew and Michael go back to basics and explain all things Shares and Stock Markets and the impact of those during COVID-19.
Amid the raft of measures announced by the Commonwealth Government last month, one of the more contentious was the decision to allow limited access to superannuation benefits to people who are ‘under-age.’…
Legislation passed in February 2019 has led to superannuation funds sending out letters to those with accounts which hold valuable personal insurance and have not received a contribution to the fund since October 2018.
Perhaps the most famous black swan event was the Global Financial Crisis, which essentially stemmed from a collapse in domestic American house prices in the late 2000s.