
Exhausted from all that’s happening? 

This is our last blog post for 2020. We really hope you’ve enjoyed what we’ve provided to you throughout this year.

Where should we start with our financial decisions after a year like 2020?

Is this you?!

Is this you?!

If there is one thing most of us have in common at the moment, it is how tired we are all feeling. This year’s Covid Shutdown has left many of us feeling quite worn out. A tired mind can make tired decisions! 

This tiredness arises when we have to make several decisions one after the other.  This often can make for poorer decisions over time. Our brain is a bit like a muscle in this regard, it can lose some of its strength when it is tired.

Some of life’s best thinkers have preserved their mental energy by avoiding this decision fatigue. That is why people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg became famous for wearing the same clothes each day. Not having to decide what to wear meant one fewer decision to make each day. This saved a little bit of mental energy each morning and meant that their decisions later in the day were made with a less tired mind.

Markets have been crazy, retirement plans are all over the place and many people are concerned about their income moving forward.

However, the best way to get around this tiredness is good mental habits. Habits are great. The very reason humans develop habits is to avoid conscious effort. Habits preserve brain power. They save us from fatigue.

As financial advisers, our job is to help clients establish the best possible financial habits. The best financial advice helps avoid poor decisions, at least when it comes to money. 

We can help you make sense of what is happening and set or re-set your financial goals to adjust to this new reality. We can give you the energy to make the right ‘big decisions.’ We will then help you decide how those big decisions should be converted into a series of regular habits that can make a financial plan happen.

So, as the strangest financial year in living memory comes to an end, make 2020/2021 the year of creating better habits. If you haven’t already, get in touch with us for a review of all things financial.

Finally, can we offer you one more piece of financial advice: Take. That. Holiday.

Even if this is a busy time for you and your work, make sure that you schedule time for holidays. Everything depends on it – your health, your wealth and your relationships with loved ones. 

Above all, please stay safe and we very much look forward to seeing you again early in 2021!

May you have a wonderful Christmas and New year. And thank you for your ongoing support.


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