Superannuation Funds & Insurance

Legislation passed in February 2019 has led to superannuation funds sending out letters to those with accounts which hold valuable personal insurance and have not received a contribution to the fund since October 2018.

This now means that superannuation fund trustees will cancel the insurance cover held in inactive accounts, unless the member has elected to retain the insurance.

The legislation change is due to the fact a huge amount of people ignore their superannuation, open new funds with each new employer and insurance premiums can erode a small superannuation balance.

So rather than wait for people to review accounts, consolidate and ensure there is a plan in place for funding premiums - the plan is now to just cancel insurance if there have been no contributions to accounts, which is how they deem them inactive.

What should you do?

1. If you have been ignoring your super - now is the time to stop!

2. Review your insurance cover to determine if it’s still relevant to your needs.

3. Complete the form to opt in to retaining your insurance.

4. Call your fund and check they receive the form

If you are unsure about these steps or you are feeling the urge to use your too hard basket, reach out to an Adviser for a chat. You can book in with our team via the link on our website.

Cancellations are to commence from 1 July 2019.

If you receive one of these letters, please don’t ignore it.

If insurance cover is cancelled, you may not be able to replace it.


To Access Or Not To Access (Your Super Early)? That Is The Question.


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