Avoiding burnout when you work in professional services

Those working in professional services can often feel a level of burnout, especially when their role involves building and maintaining on-going client relationships.

Being a financial adviser is a privilege and joy. You get to walk alongside your clients in their financial journeys; understanding their core values, talking about often emotional topics like wills and life insurance and seeing the growth in your clients’ confidence around their money.

Maybe you’re an estate agent, accountant or business consultant?

The burden of making sure your clients finances soar, maintaining a healthy portfolio or keeping tabs on their cash flow can be heavy - especially when dealing with large assets, investments and property. So it makes sense that your mind would be constantly running, right?

Many people in professional services work after hours without realising it, as their mind is wired to constantly check in on their clients needs. Advisors and other professional service providers are often always available on the phone to maintain their client relationships. This can lead to always being “on” which may cause burnout if your body and mind rarely has time to relax and unwind.

It’s important to note, sometimes this comes with the job! Especially if there are looming deadlines, you’re closing a sale or it’s EOFY. And as advisers, it is important to be available for our clients, but we must also be equally wary of our own wellbeing.

Keeping boundaries in place is important to avoid burnout, look after your physical and mental health and keep offering a quality service to your clients.

Here are a few of our tips that we’ve learnt over the years. No one is perfect and we certainly don’t get all of these right, but awareness of these simple tips to avoid burnout are incredibly beneficial!

Set up after hours messages on your phone and email

Set up after-hours messages on your work phone and email 

Let your clients know they are valued and important and you will get back to them in the morning/when you’re next working. This sets boundaries and maintains the touchpoint with your client.

Set up support systems around you

Don’t be the go-to person for everything! Have your new clients approach you through a reception or administration staff. This sets the tone for the professional relationship.

Make sure you keep time for things you enjoy

The quickest way to burnout is to suck all enjoyment out of your day. Whilst we’re sure you enjoy your job and career - we all need to find joy outside of work. Make sure you schedule each day, one thing that will do just for fun.

Exercise each day

Research shows that exercise is incredibly beneficial to mental health and wellbeing. It is also important to apply your mind to something other than work - maybe a yoga class, run or ride to work?

Use a CRM tool or master spreadsheet to manage your client relationships

Schedule regular check-in’s with your clients in your diary - this takes it off your mind and ensures no one is forgotten. Having your client relationships maintained in a system or written document allows your mind to rest, knowing you can pick up where you left off in the morning!

Author: Andrew Ledingham


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