Super and Retirement
How do you want to enjoy your work-free life?
These days, with people living longer and longer, it’s important to start planning early for retirement. If you are planning on starting your work-free life when you 65, you are probably doing it because there is a long list of things you want to do. Have you planned for all of this? The simple fact is that the sooner you start planning, the more you will be able to get out of your retirement.
What do you need to be able to live the lifestyle you want when you retire? Tasmanian Retirement Centre can assist to make this lifestyle a reality with the following strategies:
A Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy can help you build up your savings when you no longer want to work full time and have met the criteria for drawing on your superannuation;
Salary sacrificing allows you to boost your super and pay less tax by nominating a part of your future pre-tax salary to go straight into your super; and
Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) gives you more control of your investments within the superannuation environment and allows for you to borrow money to invest in property. This is especially well suited for small business owners who wish to put their business or business premises into their super will value the flexibility of an SMSF.
Case Study
John (52) and Sue (50) are still both working and wish to retire in the next 10 years. They wish to continue their current lifestyle which requires income of about $50,000 plus holidays of approximately $10,000 per year by maximising the amount of Centrelink when eligible.
Tasmanian Retirement Centre were able to help John and Sue maximise contributions into superannuation (both non-concessional and concessional contributions) including salary sacrifice. This meant John and Sue were able to use cashflow to fund their current lifestyle and meet future lifestyle income requirements.
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1/65 Brisbane Street
Launceston 7250, Tasmania
03 6334 5547
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